These Vegetables Can Really Satisfy You

If you’re someone who is used to eating the Standard American Diet, comprised of large portions of meat, sides of bread, rice or pasta, and maybe a speck of green...

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4 Simple Things You Can Do Now to Stay Well

Now that we’re entering the warmer months, we’re seeing a lot more walkers, joggers, and cyclists traversing our neighborhoods. At the parks, you may begin seeing more fitness boot camps,...

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The Physical Link to a Spiritual Connection

Is it possible that we were created with our own physical antenna that allows us to tune into God? Throughout history, some have believed that we were each born with...

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How to Create a Support System that Optimizes Your Chance for Recovery

Dealing with advanced staged cancer can be challenging enough, but even more so without a good support system.  While I did not have my immediate family around me when I...

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5 Ways to Naturally Heal from Fluid Retention

Have you ever been injured and developed swelling at the site of injury?  This is a normal part of the body’s healing process, where any excess fluid from the swelling...

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Build immune resistance

Natural Ways to Prevent the Flu

These days, it’s difficult to turn on the news without hearing about how rampant the flu virus has become. Currently, it has hit all 50 states, with the 48 contiguous...

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Cheers to your health!

With the Christmas holiday season upon us, many are spending more time with friends and family, with the many dinners and parties to attend.  While we’re given the opportunity to...

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Lion’s mane: Nature’s cheerleaders for good health

When you hear the name “lion’s mane,” the thought of a mushroom probably doesn’t come to mind. Rather than resembling the capped mushrooms that many in western cultures are used...

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Prepare for change by letting go

This time of year, the changing colors of the leaves create a stunning, visual masterpiece that reminds us that everything must change. The once green trees, that created canopies over...

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Silica: An overlooked bone strengthener and beauty element

When you think of supplementing your diet to strengthen your bones and teeth, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For some, calcium is the number one thought. After...

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