What You Need to Know About the Energy That Drives You

Energy surrounds us and flows through us every moment of our lives. Its vibration and flow is the key to life. Without it, every cell would cease to exist. Just...

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Why Sprouts Are a “Must” in Your Diet

If you’re considering a raw vegan diet, you may be wondering, where do you get your protein from?  Many are under the impression that animal-based products are the best, if...

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The Critical Role That Plants Play in Your Life

With the “official” arrival of Spring, many can’t help but notice the beauty of the new blooms and plants that surround us. It’s during this time that I’m often reminded...

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The Physical Link to a Spiritual Connection

Is it possible that we were created with our own physical antenna that allows us to tune into God? Throughout history, some have believed that we were each born with...

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How to Create a Support System that Optimizes Your Chance for Recovery

Dealing with advanced staged cancer can be challenging enough, but even more so without a good support system.  While I did not have my immediate family around me when I...

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Fresh Air & Sunshine – Keys to Vibrant Health

Do you ever sit at your desk during early mornings when it seems that your bed is literally beckoning you back to the warmth and comfort of its billowy sheets. Yet,...

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