Energy surrounds us and flows through us every moment of our lives. Its vibration and flow is the key to life. Without it, every cell would cease to exist.

Just as our cells are charged with energy, so are our emotions. When you’re happy, sad, or scared, you can feel the charge of that emotion that takes place inside of your body. When you’re excited, you can feel “butterflies” in your stomach and surges of electricity flowing through your veins. When you’re depressed or heartbroken, you can feel a tug at your heart and sometimes even an emptiness in your stomach. When you’re terrified, you can feel the hairs on your arms raise as a rush of adrenaline races through your body. All of these physical reactions are stimulated by energy from your thoughts and perceptions about a given circumstance.

While you may be well aware of your physical body, you may not be as aware of your energetic one. The vibrational energy in our bodies surrounds us with an electromagnetic field, made up of frequencies that correspond to sound, light, and color.1 This electromagnetic field is often referred to as an aura, qi/chi, or prana. Some people are so sensitive to this energy that they are able to see it around others.

It’s believed that we’re all born with this ability; however, as we become older, this ability may become dormant without the encouragement to develop it from those around us. When you’re in the presence of a baby, you may have noticed that they don’t always look directly at you. In fact, they are typically looking around you. Some believe that babies are looking at your electromagnetic field that encompasses your physical body.

Inside, our bodies have energy centers that affect the all the functions within our bodies, to include our endocrine system, organs, along with our emotions. Ancient Indian beliefs divided the body’s energy centers into the chakra system. Chakras are wheels or vortices of concentrated energy that govern the organs and glands in various parts of your body and various levels of consciousness. According to energy healer, Donna Eden, “each chakra supplies energy to specific organs, corresponds to a distinct aspect of your personality, and resonates (respectively, from the bottom to the top chakra) with one of seven universal principles having to do with survival, creativity, identity, love, expression, comprehension, or transcendence.”2

What are the 7 chakras?

Altogether, there are seven chakras which start at the base of your spine and end at the top of your head.

The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine. It is associated with the testes in men, kidney, and spine. This chakra is linked to your basic survival instincts such as the need for money and food.3, 4

The Sacral Chakra sits above the root chakra, in the lower abdomen, and is associated with the bladder, bowel, gallbladder, kidneys, ovaries in women, and the spleen. Emotionally, this chakra is linked to one’s general overall feeling of well-being, pleasure, and sexuality.

Moving up the body into the upper abdominal area sits the Solar Plexus Chakra. This chakra is associated with the bladder], intestines, liver, pancreas, stomach, and upper spine. It affects a person’s confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem.

The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest, just above the physical heart. Of all of the energy centers, this chakra is often referred to daily by most of the population. When people associate love with the heart, they are not referencing the heart organ, but the energetic center, or heart chakra, that is associated with a person’s ability to love, find happiness, and gain an overall sense of inner peace. Physically, this chakra is linked to the heart and the lungs.

The Throat Chakra is found in the throat and is associated with the bronchial tubes, mouth, vocal cords and respiratory system. The throat chakra affects your ability to communicate.

The Third Eye Chakra resides in the center of the forehead, between the eyes. This chakra is associated with the brain, eyes, pituitary gland and the pineal gland, affecting one’s ability to make decisions, use their intuition, and tap into their imagination.

The Crown Chakra sits at the top of the head. Physically, it is associated with the spinal cord and brain stem. Emotionally, it is tied to one’s perception of inner and outer beauty. As the highest chakra in the system, it is also linked to spirituality and happiness.


When our chakras are functioning well, we experience good health and elevated moods. If these energy centers somehow become blocked or out of balance due to a traumatic experience, conflict, or fear, we may experience low functioning organs and unpleasant emotions. Donna Eden states that “Your chakras also code your experiences in their energies, just as memories are chemically coded in your neurons. An imprint of every emotionally significant event you have experienced is believed to be recorded in your chakra energies.” 5 Therefore, unresolved emotions can get trapped inside of your energy centers which can eventually cause a blockage, throwing the affected chakras out of balance.

If the energy flow from a chakra is hindered, it can affect the organs associated with it, which may ultimately lead to illness or disease. In her article, Balancing Your Energy Body: A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing, Dr. Laura Berman, a leading relationship educator and therapist states, “When there is tension in a particular part of your consciousness, and therefore in the chakra associated with that part of your consciousness, the tension is detected by the nerves of the plexus associated with that chakra and communicated to the parts of the physical and energy body controlled by that plexus. When the tension continues over a period of time or reaches a particular degree of intensity, it creates a symptom on the physical level and requires chakra healing to resolve. Again, the symptom serves to communicate to you through your body what you have been doing to yourself in your consciousness.”6


How do you know if your chakras are out of balance?

Root Chakra Imbalance. Physically, you may experience lower back pain, constipation or diarrhea, knee pain, gout, spinal cord dysfunction, lethargy, and exhaustion.7 Emotionally, you may feel rage, anger, or fear as your basic needs are being neglected or are not supported.

Sacral Chakra Imbalance. When you’re dealing with this type of imbalance, you may experience sterility, infertility, kidney stones, or urinary tract infections. Pregnant women may experience miscarriages.8 An unbalanced sacral chakra also affects your ability to have fun, to be creative, and lowers your sex drive.

Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalance. As this chakra is associated with the bladder, intestines, liver, pancreas, stomach, and upper spine, physical imbalances can include any dysfunction with any of these areas such as stomach ulcers, digestive problems, and high blood pressure. This blocked chakra also leads to low self-esteem and an increase in self-criticism.9

Heart Chakra Imbalance. Anyone experiencing a blockage in this chakra may be dealing with asthma, lung disease, upper back problems, high blood pressure, a weakened immune system and poor blood circulation. 10 Emotionally, self-hatred, a lack of joy, feeling the need to overcompensate when showing love and affection to others, and being completely intolerant of others are a few examples of what someone may be going through when their heart chakra is thrown off balance.

Throat Chakra Imbalance. Any pain or disease associated with the thyroid, neck, throat, shoulders, ears, and mouth may be brought about by this unbalanced chakra. Those who have a fear of public speaking, are too shy, and unable to freely express their opinions may be experiencing a blockage in this energy center.

Third Eye Chakra Imbalance. Headaches, blurred vision, seizures and hormone dysfunction may occur when the third eye chakra is out of balance. Evidence of emotional imbalances may show demonstrations of moodiness, being out of touch with reality, inability to focus, and not being open to new ideas.11

Crown Chakra Imbalance. Depression, as well as environmental sensitivities like light and sound, are examples that this chakra is out of balance. Emotionally, one may also experience difficulty in controlling emotions, either being addicted to spirituality or completely closed off to it, a lack of direction, and the inability to set and maintain goals. 12

What can you do to balance your chakras?

Practice Energy Exercises. Energy healer, Donna Eden, has created an energetic exercise routine that can help to bring your chakras into balance. This routine can be done daily to bring back vitality to your body. Click here to try out her simple and effective routine.

“Over the years, I started teaching a simple energy routine that people could do every day in five to seven minutes to establish positive “energy habits” in their bodies which strengthen their immune systems and help them navigate through the stresses we all face today.” Donna Eden13

Try some yoga poses. According to the article, What to Do If Your Chakras Are Blocking?  There are yoga poses that can be used to unblock each chakra. You can find these specific exercises here.

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Mantras. Each chakra is associated with its own vibrational frequency that, when spoken, can help to bring it into balance.14 For an example of how to pronounce each of these syllables, using the right notes, click here for 7 Minutes of All Chakras Seed Mantra Chants by Meditative Mind.15 These syllables can be used in your daily meditation routine to calm your mind and raise your vibrational energy.

Wear chakra colors. As seen in the chart above, each chakra is also associated with a color, which denotes the frequency radiating through each chakra. If you’ve noticed that one of your chakras is out of balance, try incorporating that chakra color into your wardrobe to bring that energy center back to its normal vibrational pattern.

Get grounded. The practice of walking barefoot on the earth, or simply standing still on it, helps to bring your body back to the healing frequency of the earth. As you may have read in my article, The Invisible Fields Affecting Your Health, the earth can stabilize the currents running through your body, bringing them back to a current that is similar to the Earth’s natural frequency of 7.83 Hz. This stabilization can help to bring your root chakra, which is associated with the ground and earth, back into balance.16

Sunshine. Since each chakra has its own color that emanates, all colors of the chakras are within the visible light spectrum. Because of this, the sun is the best source for all of the frequencies and colors of the body’s chakras. Standing in the sun for a few minutes each day, can raise your body’s vibrational energy, bringing your chakras back into alignment.

While some people may just be learning about the concept of energy healing and chakra balancing, it has been in existence for thousands of years and practiced in many cultures. Every day, we try to engage in activities that make us feel good. Those “feel good” actions, whether they be time spent in prayer, with loved ones, or doing something that we enjoy, help to raise the vibration of our energy centers. By maintaining the flow of energy throughout your body, you may prevent the onset of disease or allow your body to heal from it. Having balanced energy flow will ultimately help you to love your life and live in health.

Do you practice energy balancing? If so, what methods do you use to remove energy blocks? I’d love to see your suggestions in the comments below.

Ready to make your health a priority? Contact me here to schedule your consultation.


1 Chi, Universal Life Force Energy, Aura, Chakras, Meridians. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

2 Eden, D. (n.d.). The Nine Primary Energy Systems. Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

3 Understanding the Role Of Chakras And Glands In the Human Body. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

4 The 7 Chakras for Beginners. (2009, October 28). Retrieved April 03, 2018, from

5 Eden, D. (n.d.). The Nine Primary Energy Systems. Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

6 Berman Ph.D., L. (2016, January 13). Balancing Your Energy Body: A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing. Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

7 Symptoms of Chakra Imbalance – Chakras Balancing. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

8 Symptoms of Chakra Imbalance – Chakras Balancing. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

9 Patel, R. (2014, April 21). Warning Signs Your Chakras Are Out Of Balance. Retrieved May 1, 2018, from

10 Symptoms of Chakra Imbalance – Chakras Balancing. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

11 Berman Ph.D., L. (2016, January 13). Balancing Your Energy Body: A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing. Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

12 Berman Ph.D., L. (2016, January 13). Balancing Your Energy Body: A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing. Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

13  Eden, D. (2018). Donna’s Daily Energy Routine | Eden Energy Medicine. Retrieved April 30, 2018, from

14 Goldman, J. (n.d.). ‘Sound and the Chakras? – Retrieved May 1, 2018, from

15 Meditative Mind. (2015, July 24). 7 Minutes of All Chakras Seed Mantra Chants [Video file]. Retrieved from

16 Won, D. (2017, September 19). The Invisible Fields Affecting Your Health. Retrieved May 1, 2018, from