Men are more likely than women to work in toxic environments.  For example, you could be working as a firefighter, automobile repair shop, or in the construction industry, where you regularly work with chemical or other chemicals that may have some rather devastating effects on your health.

How do you know if you are?  There are regulations for safety, so if you find that your initial training includes having to review and be familiar with Material Safety Data Sheets, chances are, there is potential for you to become exposed to potentially hazardous materials in the line of your work.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, commonly known as OSHA, falls under the United States Department of Labor.  OSHA maintains an Occupational Chemical Database, which serves as a convenient reference for occupational safety.  This database provides reports on the exposure guidelines, where you can read reports on the specific chemicals that you work with to determine any potentially hazardous effects for your health.

If you’re working with toxic materials or exposed to toxic fumes, you may want to take steps to detoxify as many of the industrial chemicals are likely carcinogenic and can cause cancer or other serious health conditions many years later.  Some easy steps that you can do to mitigate the effects of working in a toxic environment are:

  1. Add more plant-based foods and herbs to your diet, especially raw vegetables that have live enzymes that virtually act as catalysts for every function in the body. For example, cilantro is excellent to add to your salads as it helps to pull out heavy metals like mercury.
  2. Spend time daily in the sun to allow the natural sunlight to absorb through your eyes and skin to help create Vitamin D, which is helpful for the body’s detoxification systems.
  3. Exercise regularly where you’re able to sustain at least 80% of your maximum heart rate for at least 20 minutes and sweat. Sweating is one of the body’s ways to detoxify the body through releasing toxins in the sweat.
  4. Practice daily deep breathing, especially since toxins can also be eliminated from the lungs.
  5. Sleep no later than ten o’clock in the evening as that optimizes melatonin and other hormonal secretions that help the body to rest and repair the body.

Being forewarned with this knowledge can help to prevent you from developing some long-term illnesses that may not be apparent, until it may be almost too late to do anything about them.  Take steps to seek out the truth and the implications of the work that you do now, so that you can love your life and live in health.

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