Is disease caused by germs or is it the result of processes gone awry in your body? This has been in debate for over a century which has led to two theories on disease – the germ theory and the terrain theory.

The germ theory was propelled by Louis Pasteur, a French biologist, microbiologist and chemist in the 1800s. Pasteur believed that the body was intended to be a sterile environment. Therefore, if any foreign body or germs are introduced into the body, disease would flourish. With this theory, Pasteur invented the pasteurization process to kill off any germs or bacteria that may exist in food so that those germs are not capable of producing disease after consumption. This theory has also led to the development of many medications and processes that are solely intended for the elimination of bacteria that may exist in the body when disease is present.

On the other hand, Claude Bernard, a French physioglist, espoused the terrain theory, which was later improved upon by Antoine Béchamp in the 1800s. Béchamp discovered that every living thing has microorganisms. These microorganisms are present even after the living host has died. When the host body is functioning in homeostasis in that the immunity and detoxification processes are fully operational, the microorganisms are not capable of producing disease. These microorganisms are able to change form according to the environment, or host body, in which they reside. When the host body has been made vulnerable, where the body is no longer functioning in homeostasis, the microorganisms will transform and become more toxic according to the terrain. According to Béchamp, germs are a by-product of the poor terrain which can lead to other symptoms that will eventually introduce disease into the host body if the body, or terrain, is not brought back into a state of homeostasis, where the physiological processes within the body are in a state of equilibrium and balance.

So, which theory is correct about the origin of disease? Of note is Pasteur’s statement while on his deathbed, where he recants his original germ theory saying, “the microbe is nothing; the milieu is everything.” In other words, it’s not the germ but the terrain that leads to the development of disease.

With Bernard and Béchamp’s theory, the body can ward off disease by keeping the body functioning optimally. This can be done through nutrition, detoxification, exercising, managing stress, getting enough rest, and keeping a healthy mindset. These are all aspects of our lives that we need to consider so that we can actively pursue lifestyle changes that promote continued healthy functioning of the body despite what we may be exposed to through the environment.  Remember that what you’re exposed to environmentally directly impacts your body’s internal terrain. lists the United States as the 7th highest country in the world for cancer. In the United States, there are many environmental factors that can lead to upsetting the body’s natural balance. These factors not only includes some obvious carcinogens found in tobacco smoke, factory emissions, and diesel exhaust, but also some less obvious ones like radiation, electromagnetic fields (WiFi, power lines, microwave, hair dryers, electric blankets), as well as dietary choices such as processed and fast foods. If you live in areas that are highly populated and industrial, you are at risk of compromising your health as you are continually introducing toxins into your body with every breath you take, as well as everything you eat. Additionally, what goes up, must come down. As winds shift, toxins in the air are capable of moving miles before an eventual rainfall will drive these chemicals back into the ground, affecting any vegetation and livestock in the area.

Where areas exist with high numbers of cancer cases, the American Cancer Society has named these areas cancer clusters. As scientists continue to investigate claims that the environment can lead to cancer or other diseases, there appear to be areas that are more prone to at-risk factors due to local culture (dietary choices), industrialization (factory emissions and diesel exhaust), and EMF’s (a high number of cell towers and power lines). For example, Kentucky has the highest number of cancer cases when compared to the rest of the country. It is believed that the Blue Grass state ranks number one because of the tobacco industry, on which the state was founded, where at least one quarter of the population smokes. Most of the cancer cases in this state can be traced back to tobacco smoke. Additionally, the state is considered to be the poorest in the nation where there has been a lack of state funding for cancer research and prevention. For additional information about where your state ranks for cancer cases, click here.

Just like in the parable of the sower in Mark 4:1-20, seeds need to fall on fertile ground in order to produce a flourishing crop. If the seed falls along the path, it will blow away or be devoured by birds. If the seed falls on rocky soil, it will spring up quickly, but will not root itself into the ground, allowing it to quickly wither away. As Bernard and Béchamp pointed out, our bodies can be the good soil that thrives and flourishes health, warding off any disease or sickness as it functions in homeostasis. How can you maintain a health internal terrain?

Steps to Maintain a Healthy External and Internal Environment:

  1. Do some seasonal cleanses for your body’s organs of elimination, like the kidneys, liver, colon, and skin to ensure that your body’s channels of elimination are clear to rid itself of toxins.
  2. Incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet as they have nutrients that can help to both detoxify and nourish your body.
  3. Exercise daily outdoors and sweat out harmful toxins.
  4. Manage your stress at work and at home to maintain a peaceful state-of-mind.
  5. Get enough rest each night as because that is when your body goes through its major detoxification processes.

The terrain essentially determines how the body reacts to change, regardless of whether or not a foreign organism entered the body or if the microorganisms that already existed transformed according to the weakness and vulnerability of the soil. Good terrain will produce good fruit. For your health, cultivate your soil to produce a bountiful harvest so that you are able to lead a healthy and happy life.

Ready to make your health a priority? Contact me here to schedule your consultation.
