This week, rather than sharing my health tips, I wanted to share with you the very exciting news that I’ve been working on a book that launched on Tuesday, November 14th!

During this past year, I was invited to co-author a new book, Success University for Women™ in Leadership!  Founded in 2015 by Jan Fraser and Catherine Scheers, Success University for Women™ is an organization whose vision is to educate, empower, and promote women around the world through books, conferences, and courses. This book includes the stories of 20 leaders from seven countries around the world and addresses the issues and challenges that women may find themselves confronted with, especially if they are aspiring to be a leader, searching for a leadership mentor, or embarking on a more significant leadership role.

In this book, you’ll find women sharing their stories and success strategies from a variety of industries, to include accounting, education, the military, the arts, insurance, petroleum, healthcare, human resources, and professional development.  You’ll encounter heart-felt lessons learned through real-life experiences from each of these successful women that are shared authentically and transparently so that you can learn and apply these lessons on a practical level.

With many of today’s news headlines and the divisiveness that seems to have permeated into our society, this book provides a timely breath of fresh air to celebrate the ever-evolving role that women have played in our society and their continued trajectory in making significant contributions no matter where they are in their lives, careers, all across the globe.  It truly highlights the best of women helping to support other women, where global boundaries are transcended.

I share vignettes from some of my experiences during my career in the military that have helped to hone me as a leader.  I start off with some of the challenges and adversities I encountered during my time at the U.S. Air Force Academy.  This is where I learned about the importance of focusing on purpose, no matter what obstacles came my way.  At my first assignment, I share how important it is to encourage each other in the workplace, as it was through the support of my supervisor that I was able to develop a laser radar system that would help to improve the accuracy in the AC-130 gunship aircraft.  I then provide another snapshot from my career that illustrates the importance of practicing integrity in every situation.  I also emphasize how vital it is, as a leader, to listen.  Finally, at the culmination of my career, I share the ultimate challenge of my life when I discover that I have ovarian cancer, and how I was able to recover, out of hospice, and back to vibrant life.

While you may not have considered this before, leadership, whether you’re a man or woman, is important, not only on the job but also on a personal level.  In order to truly love the life that you live, you need to have good health, and to have good health, you must take personal leadership over your own life and health.  On the flip side, if you are a leader where you work, in order to continue to be a good leader, you need to have good health, and to encourage those working for you to live a life of balance and health, and hence, that is the nexus of what I’ve chosen to focus on in what I do as a speaker, leadership consultant, health coach, and now author.

It is my sincere hope and desire that, as you read this, you’ll gain insights that will enable you to implement success strategies that I, along with the other amazing women who have co-authored this book, shared.  Just knowing that there have been other women who have encountered what you may be experiencing will encourage you and provide you with specific strategies to help you overcome and surmount the challenges that you are facing, whether you are just beginning your career, mid-level, or seeking to leave a legacy for future generations. Purchase this book today for yourself, and as a gift for anyone you know who could be helped by this encouraging and inspiring book, and Get Your Launch Day Bonuses!

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