Every day, I do my best to provide education about physical, emotional, and spiritual health to the people I work with. Today, I began to wonder… I know that I get inspired by seeing newfound hope in someone’s eyes when they begin to see the improvements based on the lifestyle changes they are making, but what inspires you? What gives YOU life? What makes you want to get out of bed in the morning?

Looking back at my own development, I had no idea that I would be speaking and health coaching at this point in my life. You see, I had a 30 year-career as a physicist in the Air Force, worked all over the world, and was promoted to the rank of Colonel, which is rare in my scientific and technical career field, and rarer still for a woman. I was very grateful to have had all the opportunities afforded me. However, later on, I was to learn that there were other plans for me that I had not factored in.

After receiving my diagnosis of ovarian cancer, given only a few weeks to live, I wasn’t exactly sure that I had much of a future, but I knew that I was not going to allow that diagnosis to stop me. I knew that if I could somehow heal in an integrative and holistic way, that others could too.

I studied holistic and alternative methods, changed my diet and lifestyle, worked on emotional wellness, and developed a strong faith.  I realized that I had two choices – to give up and allow my body to waste away, or I could treat my body the way it was, perhaps, originally intended to be treated – with love, compassion, and respect for the innate wisdom inherent within each cell of the body.

Now, after being healed from a “finite” diagnosis, I enjoy spreading words of encouragement and sharing the knowledge that I’ve gained, and continue to learn, expressing the potential for all to have a happy life and good health.

I would love to hear from more of you about your inspirations. Please share them with me in the comments below. Let’s inspire each other to live happier and healthier lives, through emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness.

Ready to make your health a priority? Contact me here to schedule your consultation.