Although the topic may be a bit taboo, in the words of Salt-N-Pepa, “Let’s Talk About Sex”… or the lack thereof.

Back in the day, you’ve probably heard a guy give the excuse that if he did not engage in sexual activity, something “bad” would happen to his precious “manhood.” He was likely over-exaggerating in an effort to increase his number of sexual conquests; however, there is some validity to the idea that lack of sexual activity, due to some form of distress, painful experience, abuse, harassment, or even feelings of being unwanted can create a sexual or mating conflict in men and women.

Let’s talk about Mary. Mary was raised in a very strict household. Because of the belief system that she was raised with, she was always told that she was not to engage in any form of sexual activity until she was married. According to Mary’s parents, sex was purely for the purpose of reproduction. It had very little to do with showing love, intimacy, appreciation for a romantic partner, or enjoyment.

Growing up with this belief caused Mary to have some very unpleasant experiences when she finally did experience her first sexual encounter. Her idea that sex was dirty, and only for the purpose of procreation caused Mary to feel badly about herself whenever she engaged with her husband. She was not able to fully enjoy this act of intimacy, which often resulted in a lot of pain, with the man that she pledged her vows to as she had programmed her mind that what she was doing was wrong.

It took Mary quite some time to re-program her mind about her ability to relate to her husband intimately. After quite a bit of counseling, Mary was finally able to free herself of the mental shackles she had clasped around this taboo subject. She no longer experiences pain and is free to love her husband completely.

In men, this conflict is related to the prostate which can result in infertility. In women, this sexual or mating conflict can cause low estrogen levels (a conflict related hormonal imbalance) which results in irregular periods, the absence of periods, manic episodes, and infertility for the duration of the conflict phase. This conflict is linked to the cervix mucosa, which widens during this phase to increase the chances of sperm reaching the uterus during sexual activity, and the left portion of the temporal lobe in the brain. When the left temporal lobe, known as the female conflict area, is involved in this conflict, a person becomes manic. Also, this same part of the brain affects the coronary veins which may cause the person dealing with this conflict to experience chest pains, or moderate angina pectoris.

According to Dr. Hamer, once the healing phase begins, there may be contradictory diagnoses with the conventional medical community. The cervical tissue will begin to proliferate in order to replace the cells that were lost during the active conflict stage. The cell proliferation leads to edema, or swelling of the tissue, and may be misdiagnosed as “cervical cancer.” Dr. Hamer states that the cells are not cancerous as the cervix is merely replenishing what it had lost. Because of this activity in the cervix, pap smear tests will typically result in a positive reading since the test only detects change in the cervical tissue, whether the change is a healing, replenishing stage, or the development of harmful cells in the body.

Symptoms of this healing phase include pain, bleeding from the cervix, long, heavy menstrual periods, painful cramping, and even rapid heartbeats as the coronary veins are controlled by the same area of the brain that controls the cervix mucosa. Eventually, the swelling, pain, and bleeding will subside as the conflict resolves itself.

Any negative experience or belief system about sex can result in this biological conflict. In Mary’s situation, the idea of waiting for marriage wasn’t what caused this conflict. It was the belief that sex was wrong. In other situations, people who have experienced infidelity may also experience symptoms of this biological sexual conflict. The thoughts we hold about this subject are very powerful and have the capacity to impact our bodies in a very tangible way.

If you have developed a negative belief system about sex, there is always a way to re-program yourself so that you can begin to heal from this biological conflict. Let’s break down the walls around this taboo topic so that you can lead a healthier, happier life.

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