There is an old Chinese saying, 病 從 口 入, pronounced in Pinyin as ‘bing cong kou ru‘ which means that “Illness begins from the mouth.”  This means that the diseases with which we are afflicted all begin from what we eat and how that impacts our digestion system, where 70-80% of our immune system resides, known as the Gut-Associated Lymphatic System. This speaks volumes to the importance that the gut, or digestive system, plays in our overall health.

Most of us are not eliminating waste from our bodies effectively. When toxic materials enter our body, our body does its best to detoxify and eliminate them. However, with toxins, parasites, bacteria, and fungus from various sources, our bodies can become overloaded and thus, unable to remain maintain good health.

Some have a bowel movement two or three times a day, while others are happy if they have a movement in three days. What’s optimal? A good general rule of thumb is that you should have as many bowel movements as the number of meals you eat each day. Therefore, if you’re eating two to three meals each day, you should be having two to three bowel movements.

What if you are not eliminating enough or your stools come out hard after considerable straining? Then your body is likely unable to thoroughly eliminate the toxins released from your liver. Most people actually carry anywhere from 5-20 pounds of fecal matter within their digestive track, and it‘s not unusual for those with chronic health issues to carry 40 pounds of fecal matter.  Over time, the accumulation of this toxic waste could eventually lead to brain fog, skin rashes, hormonal imbalances, bloating, gas, IBS, and many other serious conditions, like cancer.

Because the majority of Americans are dehydrated, some foods, like those made with white flour, may harden and become stuck to the inside of your intestinal walls. For those who consume meat, it usually takes longer to digest, up to 72 hours for your body to be able to break it down. According to Lisa Cicciarello Andrews of the University of Cincinnati, meat tends to take longer to digest due to its non-fibrous and fatty nature.

A 1981 study conducted between vegetarians and non-vegetarians, published by the British Journal of Nutrition, concluded that vegetarians are able to digest their food up to 24 hours more quickly than non-vegetarians, possibly due to their higher fiber intake. However, when consuming fats, the stomach is signaled to slow down its digestive processes.

Regardless of whether you’re a meat-eater, vegetarian, or vegan, the truth is that we are living in a much more toxic world than the one in which our grandparents grew up. We’re not drinking enough water, or the right type of water, to keep our systems hydrated, and we are continually bombarded with toxic fumes, chemicals, and heavy metals, which accumulate over time, if not properly eliminated. What are some things that you can do to aide your body‘s elimination process?

Water Enemas are helpful in rehydrating the colon and softening up fecal matter that has become hardened and adhering to the intestinal walls. By introducing body-temperature water to your colon, the hardened fecal matter will loosen, thereby, making it much easier to pass. Once the water has been gently released through the rectum, holding the water in for at least 15 minutes, while gently massaging your abdomen can help to eliminate fecal matter that has been caked up there for years.

When I had ovarian cancer and was at the point where I could not eat any food for about 40 days, I was surprised to find that solid waste was still coming out during my twice daily enemas. That is why I can say with confidence that the colon can store up years of uneliminated waste, where it literally becomes a cesspool of rotting and fermenting material that creates a challenge for the body.

The longer that fecal matter remains in your body, the more toxic it becomes because the waste material begins to rot and ferment. If you’re a meat-eater, just consider what would happen if you were to put a piece of meat out at about 98 degrees Fahrenheit for 72 hours. It will rot.  That is what happens when meat remains in your body. Toxins contained in fecal matter, along with mucus from the intestinal wall and bacteria, may absorb back into the system. Impacted fecal matter also makes it easier for parasites to implant themselves throughout your tract. Having an impacted colon can also lead to other problems such as diverticulitis, where pockets are formed in your tract that trap other waste materials, preventing them from fully eliminating, as well as candidiasis, a yeast infection inside of your intestinal tract that can trigger indigestion, gastritis, skin eruptions, and chronic fatigue.

Because you not only want to loosen bowels, but also detoxify your body with an enema, I would recommend using distilled water. As you may have read in my blog article, The Water That You Drink Should Not Be Left Up To Chance, distilled water can pull contaminants and inorganic minerals that your body is not able to absorb. By pulling the contaminants from the body, some of the burden is taken off the liver so that it is not overwhelmed with the toxicity of your system.

Coffee Enemas are highly effective in detoxifying the liver and gallbladder, decreasing pain, and speeding up the lymphatic flow of the body, which greatly aids in the removal of toxins more rapidly. While drinking coffee creates an acidic environment in the body, doing a coffee enema actually has the opposite effect in that body actually becomes more alkaline. Where did the idea of using coffee to do an enema come from?

Back during World War II, in Germany, pain medications became very scarce for the soldiers being treated. Therefore, the doctors reserved the stronger pain medications, like morphine, for those undergoing surgical procedures, while others were left to suffer the pain.

The nurses kept coffee readily available since the doctors were working around the clock. Rather than wasting the leftover coffee, they decided to try using it in the patients’ enema bags. They noticed that those treated with the coffee enemas experienced relief from their pain. With this revelation, coffee enemas became an alternative to pain medication.

Dr. Max Gerson, a German physician during the 1930‘s, developed a plant-based diet, in conjunction with pancreatic enzymes, vegetable juices, and coffee enemas to successfully treat not only migraines and tuberculosis, but cancer.

Coffee contains antioxidants, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. Specifically, cafetol and palmitic acid from the coffee beans are absorbed from the hemorrhoidal vein, and then through the hepatic portal vein directly into the liver, which stimulates the liver bile ducts to open, thereby releasing its load of toxins . It also helps to open up the blood vessels and relax muscles which help to relieve the body of impacted stool. To take advantage of the benefits of coffee enemas, after gently releasing the coffee in through the rectum, holding it in for at least 15 minutes is extremely beneficial in clearing out the liver‘s stored toxins. Because it takes approximately 5 minutes for the body‘s entire blood supply to flow through the liver, retaining the enema for 15 minutes will allow the blood to flow through the liver in three complete cycles. During each of these cycles, the liver filters through the blood to remove harmful toxins.

In my own personal experience, I found that the coffee enemas helped to relieve the pain that I had when dealing with ovarian cancer. My tumor was so large, having tripled in size in less than three months, that it shifted my stomach and left lung. I also experienced tremendous pain as my body would fill up with fluids, where I would gain up to 10 pounds of fluid in just one day from edema. As you can imagine, the pain I felt became unbearable. The effects of the coffee enemas were profound in decreasing in my pain level and actually bringing in a sense of harmony and peace into my being.

If you’re going to give coffee enemas a try, it’s important that you purchase organically grown coffee beans that are mold free. Many conventional coffees contain pesticides, mold, and other toxins. The last thing that you want to do is introduce more contaminants into your body in the process of trying to eliminate them.

One thing to remember when including enemas in your regimen, whether water or coffee, is the fact that some of your good bacteria and minerals may be depleted from your colon. To replenish good bacteria, I recommend eating fermented foods, which are an excellent source of probiotics.

Wheatgrass Implants provide a great way to replace any lost minerals from doing the enemas, and are a great source of electrolytes. After thoroughly cleansing your colon with an enema, implanting wheatgrass juice allows you to absorb vitamins A, C and E, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. The goal with a wheatgrass implant is to hold it in for as long as you can, allowing your body to fully absorb it into your colon. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass juice also helps to further oxygenate your blood which leads to a healthier, oxygen-rich body.

When Dr, Lorraine Day, a former orthopedic surgeon at San Francisco General Hospital, was diagnosed with breast cancer and was on her deathbed, unable to eat or drink, she stayed alive by doing wheatgrass implants.

In addition to the above methods to cleanse the detoxify the body, which you can do in your own home, you can also seek out qualified colon hydrotherapists to administer colonics for you. This is where a machine is used to gently circulate warm water at a controlled rate and pressure deeper up into your colon.

Disease begins with toxicity and nutritional deficiency. The removal of toxins allows your body its best opportunity to repair and recover so that it can properly absorb nutrition from the foods you eat. Of course, there will be those who hold the belief that enemas are not necessary nor beneficial to the body. However, in my own personal experience, I am alive today, cancer-free. I am confident that doing enemas and implants were just a couple of the many factors that aided in my recovery.

If you’re experiencing some health challenges for which you’re not receiving complete resolution, you may want to consider adding this method into your regimen.

Ready to make your health a priority? Contact me here to schedule your consultation.