Is it possible that we were created with our own physical antenna that allows us to tune into God? Throughout history, some have believed that we were each born with a small endocrine gland in our brain that not only aids our body physically but also in our connection to spirit.

Physically, the pineal gland is a tiny, pea-sized gland, shaped like a pine cone, and hence its name pineal, that is located deep in the middle, between the two hemispheres of the brain. Its primary function is to secrete melatonin, thereby regulating the body’s circadian rhythm as well as important immune functions. When the body’s circadian rhythm is interrupted, insomnia may result which can lead to changes in mood and problems with the digestive system. Melatonin is also an antioxidant which aids the body in fending off free-radicals. If the production of this antioxidant is hindered in any way, it can decrease the body’s natural ability to stave off the onset of disease.

Spiritually, the pineal gland has been referred to as the “third eye,” as some believe that it allows the mind to tune into God or your higher self. According to René Descartes, a 17th-century philosopher, mathematician, and scientist, the pineal gland is “the principal seat of the soul and the place in which all our thoughts are formed.”1 Interestingly enough, the anatomy of the pineal gland includes a lens, cornea, and retina, similar to an eye.

Throughout history, many cultures have revered the “third eye” as the way that people were able to directly connect with God and see the world as it truly is – without filters. It was believed that our physical eyes are only capable of seeing what is directly in front of us. The “third eye” allows us to see beyond the physical world and is capable of acting as the captain of our bodies and souls, steering us on a path that leads us closer to a spiritual awakening, and giving us the ability to walk closely with God. Dr. Julius Axelrod, an American biochemist who, along with Bernard Katz and Ulf von Euler, won the Nobel Prize in 1970, discovered dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a chemical that is associated with dreams, hallucination, and creativity, in the pineal gland. While some may find this train of thought a bit outside of their comfort zones, what if God created within us a physical aspect of our bodies that enables us to hear from Him directly?

Researchers have found that there are tiny calcite microcrystals, similar to what’s in the inner ear, in the pineal gland that are considered to be piezoelectric. 2  Piezoelectricity is a quality of a material to create an electrical charge that accumulates in response to applied pressure, temperature changes, or electromagnetic frequencies, which is why this gland is exquisitely sensitive to microwave and cell phone frequencies.

Everything that exists has a vibration and is comprised of energy. You can see how cells vibrate when you look at them through a microscopic lens. The rate at which something vibrates is its frequency. When you listen to your favorite radio station, your radio has to be tuned into the frequency, or station, that is broadcasting that signal. If you’re not tuned in, you won’t be able to hear it.

As every piece of matter vibrates with its own frequency, so does the human body and everything that comprises it. A healthy human body resonates at a frequency between 62 and 72 Hz. The further the frequency falls below 62, the more susceptible the body is to disease and illness. While we may be oblivious to the continuous firing of electrical pulses and the constant movement of vibrational energy in our bodies at the cellular level, this is, in fact, taking place every second every day. Through prayer, meditation, positive thoughts, essential oils, consuming organic, raw, living foods, you can raise the body’s vibrational frequency to keep the body healthy.

The heart generates an electric field that spreads throughout the body, and actually extends several feet outside of the body. When the heart is full of positive emotions such as love, joy, and compassion, this electromagnetic field expands. Since the pineal gland is very sensitive to vibration and electromagnetic fields, with this expansion, the pineal gland becomes activated and begins to vibrate in sync with the heart.3 Additionally, the pineal gland is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and has more blood per cubic volume than any other organ in the body. With this high concentration of blood and CSF in and around this gland, it is thought to be the area within the body that holds the highest concentration of energy.

Because there is no blood-brain barrier for the pineal gland, it is very susceptible to calcification from a variety of toxins. One of the biggest culprits for pineal gland calcification is fluoride. Over time, When the pineal gland becomes calcified, small calcium deposits are formed that will eventually encase the gland, decreasing its ability to function. By the time many people have reached the age of 17, their pineal glands have already become calcified from drinking fluoridated water and using fluoride dental products. Other items that contribute to the calcification of this gland include excessive amounts of calcium from supplementation, especially inorganic forms of calcium that are difficult for the body to absorb, pesticides, alcohol, caffeine, mercury from dental fillings and vaccines, and sugar.

Not only does the calcification process hinder the body’s production and secretion of melatonin, along with its metabolism of key neurotransmitters, it also may inhibit our ability to tune into our spirit. As the gland becomes calcified, a barrier is created that can prohibit the spiritual connection for which the gland may have been created. For example, have you ever tried to use your cellphone in a steel building? When you’re inside of a steel building, you’ll notice that your ability to make or receive a phone call is limited or restricted. You’re no longer in tune with the outside world. This is how the calcification of the pineal gland may be restricting your ability to get in tune with spirit.

How can you decalcify your pineal gland?

Minimize exposure to fluoride. Drink distilled water during detoxification or use water filters that remove fluoride. Use a natural toothpaste that does not include this ingredient. One that I like to use is called PerioPasteTM Organic Toothpaste.  You can even make your own using baking soda, coconut oil, clove essential oil, as well as add peppermint or cinnamon essential oil.

Reduce your dependency on calcium supplements. Too much calcium in the body can lead to the calcification of the pineal gland. Rather than rely on calcium supplements, which are often made of inexpensive inorganic calcium that the body has a difficult time absorbing, eat foods that are rich in organic calcium that is readily absorbed by the body like almonds, broccoli, bok choy, kale, and watercress.

Drink apple cider vinegar. Raw apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which has the ability to remove metal toxins from the body. This can be added to your daily regimen by adding it to water, and drinking first thing in the morning, or using it as a salad dressing.

Eat raw garlic cloves. Calcium can be dissolved by consuming garlic. It is recommended that you eat half a bulb every couple of days to remove calcium deposits from your pineal gland. This is not as difficult as it may first appear.  If you include two medium size cloves with every meal, you can easily reach this level. Be sure to chop or crush your garlic and leave it as is for about fifteen minutes, where the mixing with oxygen helps to create allicin, a powerful component of the garlic that is highly anti-microbial as well as capable of relaxing the blood vessels.  If you’re able to consume this raw, like in your salad dressing or in guacamole, that is best as that ensures that this component remains active.

Incorporate some tamarind into your diet. This herb removes fluorine by flushing it out through your urine. It’s often added to curries and can also be consumed as a tea.

Eat foods rich in boron. A 1942 study4 showed that boric acid is an antidote to fluorine. Foods that can contain boron include avocados, almonds, bananas, beans, beets, chickpeas, dates, hazelnuts, prunes, raisins, and walnuts.5

Detox with zeolites. Zeolites are naturally occurring volcanic minerals that are unique in that they are minerals with a negative charge. Because of their lattice structure and charge, they have an affinity to attract positively-charged toxins, heavy metals, and can remove calcium. They’re also known as a detoxifying agent for fluoride.

Eat iodine-rich food. Fluoride, along with the other halide elements like bromide and chlorine can accumulate in your body if you’re iodine deficient, since they essentially all compete for the same iodine receptors throughout the body, Found in most sea vegetables, like dulse and kelp, iodine, an essential trace mineral is important to the thyroid. By ensuring that you have adequate levels of iodine, you can aid the body in removing fluoride through urination.

Eat Chaga mushrooms. The chaga mushroom assists the body in creating melanin, the pigment in our skin binds with UV light, turning our skin darker. So, consuming chaga mushrooms can, through this mechanism, support the pineal gland in regulating the body’s circadian rhythm. When the body is able to rest during the night, it is able to detoxify and heal.6

How to activate the pineal gland?

In order to gain the full benefits of your spiritual antenna, some believe that the pineal gland must be activated through various practices that promote improved sleep during the night.

 Sun-gazing. The secretion of melatonin is regulated by the exposure to light. The thought here is that by staring at the sun for only 2 – 3 seconds when it’s lowest on the horizon, within the first hour of the sun rising in the morning can help to activate the pineal gland. Done improperly, staring directly at the sun does could potentially damage the lens, cornea, and macula tissue in your eye.  Instead, you can look around the sun so that your eyes are in the direction of the sun.

Get outside during the day. Sunlight helps the body to release serotonin for energy and signals the pineal gland to produce melatonin in times of darkness which aids the body in getting ample rest during the night, as well as regulating the digestive system, and managing mood. In the evening hours, the pineal gland secretes melatonin and suppresses serotonin to begin the body’s natural sleep cycle and detoxification process. When our eyes are exposed to light during the hours our bodies are trying to wind down, serotonin is released which prohibits the body from getting a full night of uninterrupted sleep. To improve your sleep, go outside during the day and minimize your exposure to light at night.

Sleep in complete darkness. Just as sunlight signals the secretion of serotonin, the darkness signals the secretion of melatonin. As we’re exposed to a significant amount of blue light during the evening hours from television, computer, and smartphone screens, the pineal gland can become confused as to when it should begin to secrete melatonin and suppress serotonin levels to begin the body’s natural sleep cycle. For this reason, I would recommend that all screens be turned off at least an hour before bedtime, but preferably when the sun goes down, so that you can begin the process of winding down. It’s also important to minimize the amount of light in your bedroom. If your bedroom receives a lot of outside light from street lamps, it may be helpful to install black-out curtains, or use an eye mask.

Meditate. Finding time during your day to relax and clear your mind to relieve stress and relax your body. According to a 1999 study7, practicing meditation before bedtime may help to increase melatonin levels, which can result in a more restful sleep with a decreased likelihood of interruption.

Eat raw fruits and vegetables. Higher energetic frequencies are associated with food that has not been cooked. By heating food to a high temperature, the frequencies are drastically lowered to a state where life no longer exists. Eating uncooked fruits and vegetables helps to raise the body’s overall frequency, which promotes health and healing.

While the advance of technology and modern industrialization of agriculture has provided many benefits and conveniences to mankind, it seems that the more advanced we’ve become technologically and industrially, the more challenging it is to be spiritually connected. Could there be a correlation between the increased environmental toxins and artificial light exposure to this spiritual disconnect?  With the awareness of the pineal gland’s abilities and historical beliefs on its spiritual connection, it is possible that this tiny cone-shaped gland could be an antenna that was created within our bodies to keep us close to the spirit of God.

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  1. Lokhorst, G. (2013, September 18). Descartes and the Pineal Gland. Retrieved April 03, 2018, from
  2. Baconnier, S., et al. (2002, October). Calcite microcrystals in the pineal gland of the human brain: first physical and chemical studies. Retrieved on April 05, 2018, from
  3. Chia, M., & Thom, J. (2017, November 24). Opening the Third Eye: Powerful Ancient Practices for Activating the Pineal Gland. Retrieved April 03, 2018, from
  4. Stanley, W. W. (1942, February 01). A Study of Antidotes for Fluorine. Retrieved April 03, 2018, from
  5. Jeffrey, S. (2018, March 21). Pineal Gland Detox: 11 Powerful Supplements for Restoring Pineal Health. Retrieved April 03, 2018, from
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  7. Tooley, G. A., Armstrong, S. M., & Sali, A. (2000, May 1). Acute increases in night-time plasma melatonin levels following a period of meditation. Retrieved April 03, 2018, from
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