Live Your Life

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” Maya Angelou

I believe that life is a beautiful gift. Yet, so many of us have not learned to live the life that we have been granted. Often, we are overly consumed with our jobs and responsibilities. We live in a life of deadlines, soccer practices, and taking care of others. With so much of our daily activities scheduled from our waking moments to the time we lay down at night, we need to remember that we have the right, and responsibility, to take care of ourselves, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Discover your passion and find little things that you can do each day to make it happen. Show compassion to others in their time of need, knowing that at some point, you will also need the compassion of others. Learn to laugh, a lot. Laughter heals you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And overall, do it with some style, where you add a bit of your pizazz or personality, finding moments of happiness throughout your day.

Hopefully, your aspirations in life are more than just surviving. Enjoy your life and live it fully and passionately. You were given this life for a reason. Live it!

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