Dare to be more than you think you are


Have you ever felt lost in your own head? As if everything seems to be working against you? And, no matter where you turned, it felt as though you were digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole that seemed virtually inescapable?

I’d like to share a story with you about my friend, whom I will call Crystal, and who has suffered with depression most of her life. She always considered herself to be an outsider – never knowing exactly where she fit in with society. Because of this, she lost herself in her studies and her career in order to avoid the feelings of sadness and loneliness that she secretly harbored.

But then, the unthinkable happened – Crystal lost her job. After so many years of devoting her life to her company, she realized the truth of the situation. She forgot that her job was just that – a job. The company was not her life partner and there was never any long-term commitment established. The moment the company determined that her position was no longer needed, it was eliminated. It wasn’t a matter of Crystal’s dedication or work-ethic, it was simply a high-level decision that was made to increase the company’s profit margin.

This realization sent Crystal into a downward spiral. For over a decade, she identified with her job title. Without it, she felt that she didn’t even know who she was. Her depression came back and she couldn’t see a way out her situation.

Then, one day, Crystal received an unsolicited email about meditation. Baffled at how this email found its way into her inbox, speaking about the exact issue that she was facing, Crystal realized that in the midst of her identity crisis, there was still a glimmer of hope for her to rise up out of the ashes of the life she thought she had lost.

Crystal began to make time for meditation and prayer every day. In her moments of silence and reflection on her life, she discovered that she was much stronger than what she had initially thought. She realized that she had gained skills over the years at her company that would be beneficial for her in other outlets. Crystal also realized that she was never truly happy at her former company, and that in all of her negative thoughts about her job, she had actually asked the universe/God to take her out of that situation. She understood that her job elimination was not a curse or bad luck, but an answer to her prayers – the answer just did not come in the manner she chose.

Now, with this realization, Crystal has started her own business, doing what she loves. She has the freedom that she had always desired, working on her own time and not answering to anyone else but herself. While she initially felt that God had left her, in actuality, He gave her the means to rediscover her self-worth and to step out on faith – doing something she never thought she would ever have the confidence to do before she lost her job.

I think that Crystal’s story shows us how unexpected, and sometimes, unwelcomed events in our lives don’t have to be the final chapter. These events come to us to teach us more about ourselves and to strengthen our faith in our own abilities and our connection to God. In our struggles, there will be little signs planted along our way to help guide us to where we need to be to see the light at the end of our tunnel. It’s up to us to be open to receive those signs and directions so that we can truly learn to be free from the prisons we have formed in our minds for ourselves.

So, as you reflect on your own life, what thoughts do you have that are holding you back?  Build in some time daily to meditate and pray to determine if there is any truth to these thoughts.  In most cases, you may just find that these thoughts are based on insecurities and fears that really have no basis.  Replace those thoughts with positive ones.  If you are struggling with finding positive thoughts about yourself, ask close friends for their objective opinions on what some of your strengths may be and focus on these.

In time, you’ll notice that not only does the wiring of your brain’s thoughts change, but new opportunities that you did not previously see will come to you.  Take that step, and once you discover how your life can be, you’ll never look back!

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