Recently, I was a guest blogger for Larry Broughton’s blog at yoogō  Larry Broughton is an award-winning entrepreneur & CEO, best-selling author, keynotes speaker, who has successfully parlayed his unique experience of serving on U.S. Army elite Special Forces to the business arena.  He is Founder/CEO of broughtonHOTELS, a leader in the boutique hotel industry; and Co-Founder and CEO/CEO of BROUGHTONadvisory, a strategic vision, elite team building, and transformational leadership organization with clients ranging from entrepreneurial start-ups to Turner Broadcasting and The Pentagon.

I’m so excited to share it with you and hope that it will benefit you when faced with serious life challenges requiring you to make some tough decisions.

At times, these decisions can be very overwhelming and challenging.  They can challenge you financially, challenge your relationships, and even challenge your belief system.

It’s easier to make these tough decisions if you’re able to come from a place of peace and learn to let go of the things that can hold you back from making any progress in this process.  In making decisions about my own life, that truly were about life or death, I learned three very valuable lessons in what I call “Courageous Decision-Making.”

Read my blog post here.

 Connect with Larry Broughton at yoogō

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