If you’ve been reading my articles, or following me for any length of time, your lifestyle and diet is likely already pretty well-optimized, but what if you’re still struggling with lingering health issues?
What else might you want to consider?
Your environment. You can interpret your environment a number of ways, from the microcosm of your body’s environment, to your home, office, neighborhood, city, or even the country that you live in. While you may be more accustomed to focusing on the foods you put into your body or how much you exercise, the environment in which you live in is critical.
Whether you have fatigue, brain fog, or other chronic conditions, like diabetes, heart issues, or cancer, it’s important to consider the possibility that those conditions may be linked to the electromagnetic environment. We are electrical beings, and as such, the electromagnetic environment that is around us has a real impact on our health. Why do I say this?
Because none of all that good food you are putting into your body, exercise, positive affirmations, or mediation means much if you don’t consider your environment. Your home is your safe-haven and as such, some basic things include ensuring there isn’t water damage and that it’s free from mold toxins. The kind of furniture, flooring, and paint in your home is important as well, where hopefully, they’re not outgassing harmful volatile organic compounds. If you’re not familiar with this, you may want to read my article, “Your Hormonal Hitchhikers” for more details.
While these may be the more obvious physical factors that you may already be aware of, there is a more insidious danger that comes from the invisible electromagnetic fields that most definitely exists in your home. For more background, read my article, “The Invisible Fields Affecting Your Health.”
You’ve probably read in my other articles that, just as we need to be concerned with the environment, or terrain, within our bodies, we also need to be concerned with the greater environment that we find ourselves in. Part of that means ensuring that the electromagnetic field (EMF) environment within your home is not affecting you.
It’s easy to ignore EMFs because they’re invisible. You can’t see nor smell EMFs. However, they definitely have biological effects. I recently attended a conference and, to my dismay, found that I was unable to sleep for the entire three nights while in the hotel, whereas I normally do not have any problems with sleeping. The hotel room was comfortable—at a cool temperature, quiet, and pitch dark at night—all ideal conditions for sleep. So, what was the problem?
It dawned on me that it could potentially be the electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) from WiFi routers since the hotel provided free WiFi for the several hundred hotel guests. In order to provide a strong enough signal for such a large hotel, there were likely multiple routers and boosters, per floor and perhaps, even every corridor, in the hotel. I reflected on how serious this issue would be for people, because without the ability to sleep soundly every night, our bodies won’t be able to rest, repair, and regenerate. This was the first time that I became aware of such direct physical impacts from these invisible electromagnetic fields.
In the following six months, as I was typing on my laptop, I started noticing a tingling sensation in both hands. This continued for weeks and then, months. Then, one day, the tingling sensation suddenly became painful as it felt like thousands of painful pin pricks, where the pain spread from my fingers and hand all the way up to my arms, and even traverse through my body and into my feet. There was no mistaking the reason because as soon as I pulled my hands away from the laptop, the pain would go away; then, as I started typing again, the pain would return. There were also pressure pains that would impinge into the bones in my fingers, hands, and arms. Eventually, I would feel this pressure and pain in my head and chest as well.
I’m grateful that my body has provided these signals to me because it’s led me to dig into the source of the sensations that I was experiencing. I’d like to share the top things that you need to do, if you haven’t already done so.
Three simple items that you can do as a first step to optimize your environment:
1. WiFi Router
While you may have become accustomed to having connectivity everywhere you go in and out of your house, this convenience comes at a cost, and not necessarily to your pocket, but rather to your body. Have you ever considered that in order to be able to receive a signal wirelessly through the air, that means that the air has essentially become “electrified,” or conductive?
The Wifi frequency typically used is 2.4 GHz, but 5.8 GHz is commonly included in today’s routers due to crowding at the lower frequency. Within 2.4 GHz, there are actually fourteen channels that are available for usage around the world, of which three are normally provided to individual users.
To switch to using ethernet cable instead of Wifi, you may have to purchase your own non-wifi modem to bring the signal into your house. Then, contact your internet service provider to give them information on the type of modem you have. Remember—you don’t want a router that transmits wirelessly. From the modem, you’ll be able to directly connect an ethernet cable into the port in the back and then connect the other end into the ethernet connector on your computer.
2. Smart Meter
A smart meter is a device that records your consumption of electric energy at very frequent intervals throughout the day and transmits that information to the power and utility companies to monitor and bill you based on the amount used. It contains a radio-frequency transmitter that typically operates in the 902 MHz and 2.4 GHz bands.
‘Smart’ is acronym that stands for Secret Military Armament in Residential Territory. Smart meters are actually one component in the overall ‘smart grid’ concept where things like your refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, washer and dryer are also ‘smart,’ where they can all communicate with each other and with the power and utility companies.
What’s harmful is how often the data is being transmitted as well as being received, especially if you’re living in a home where the smart meter has been designated to be receiving meter for the usage from other houses in your neighborhood and then transmitting all that data to the power and utility company. If you happen to live in an apartment complex, there may be a whole panel of smart meters, so you’ll want to check for this. It is especially critical if you have a smart meter or panel of meters on the other side of wall of your bedroom since the body needs to be relatively free of this form of radiation in order to properly rest and repair itself.
The first thing you’ll want to do is to just call the power and utility company to request replacing the smart meter with the older analog meters. If they do this for you, they will likely have to send someone out monthly to read your meter, so you’ll have to provide them with access to your yard or the area where the meter is. Don’t be surprised too, if they charge you an additional recurring fee to be able to use the older meters.
3. Cordless Phone
While you may not want to eliminate the convenience of being able to freely roam your house while talking on the phone, a cordless phone operates typically in the 43-50 MHz, 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, or 5.8 GHz frequencies. Most people may have several cordless phones throughout the house and on different floors which means that the base station is actually also a booster for the signal.
The easiest thing that you can do is simply to bring back in the old fashioned phones that have the coiled wire connecting the handset to the phone. You can then purchase an extra long phone cable to connect into the wall so that you’ll still be able to walk around while talking.
These three items are relatively easy to eliminate from your home, especially the Wifi router and the cordless phone. Even if your power and utility company charges you for having an analog meter, isn’t it worth the cost? You really can’t put a price on your health and it’s so much better to prevent an illness than to struggle through the cure.
Hello Deanna, having read thru this email I find it worrying but for people like myself there does not seem to be a solution to cover all aspects. I worked in the engineering industry and for 30 years as an engineering inspector for Cat UK staring daily at drawings online and email reports. at home I have a smart meter, phone, laptop desktop and ipad. The one thing that may be a worry I have been deaf in my right ear since childhood. My main hobby is singing and I have sung in male voice choirs for over 50 years, 6 years ago my hearing loss started to trouble me and I have a “crossover hearing aid ” which transmits from the left to the right. When was given it by the NHS I was told it can confuse the brain and some people cannot use this type of hearing aid. My response was not to worry there is no brain there joking of course. However it makes me wonder if the signal given is a hazard. I am 76 years old now and to be honest for me does it matter I would be lost without the hearing aid for all aspects of life especially singing. I do worry about my grandchildren because children today use mobiles, computors ipads as part of there lives although my daughter and the school in Worcester do regulate usage (I have forward your email) I do see older people with dementia and other health problems because I am a volunteer driver for community action in Malvern taking people to hospital ,doctors ,dentists etc and hope one day its not me in this situation. Anyway to be positive singing in two concerts this week, several for the rest of the year and next year with choirs from France and Australia check it out on Worcester Male Voice Choir UK best wishes Stan
Hello Stan, thanks for sharing your comments. Yes, most digital wireless hearing aids use a short-range transmission (3 to 11 Megahertz) and a long-range transmission (2.4 Gigahertz). Something that not many consider is that the fluids in the body, like blood, lymph, intracellular fluids, can be imprinted with non-native frequencies that can disrupt the normal functioning of cells, tissues, and organs. We humans simply weren’t designed to operate in environments or with tools that emit so much radiation. Enjoy your moments singing in the choir–I think that can be very helpful in providing healthier frequencies and harmonics.