Headaqche, Traumatic Brain Injury


Periodically, I will share with you some of the practitioners who have made a difference for me.  One such practitioner is Dr. Ronald Murray, who is a Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Traditional Naturopath, and Physiotherapist.  He is an extremely gifted healer who specializes in helping people to recover from traumatic brain injury, as well as other injuries, for example, resulting from major surgery.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has become a common household mention, especially when our wounded warriors were returning home from their deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, suffering from concussions from improvised explosive devices (IEDs). More recently, the release of the movie, “Concussion” starring Will Smith, showed the debilitating effects of concussions on NFL football players, which made it even more common knowledge.

These brain injuries can cause a number of problems, if left unchecked. Dizziness, lack of balance, vision problems, emotional distress and many other issues arise from traumatic brain injuries that can affect your ability to function and overall health.

In the following video, you’ll hear a testimony from Francesca, a patient of my friend, Dr. Ron Murray, who experienced a traumatic brain injury after falling on ice. Francesca experienced a host of symptoms that affected her mood and cognitive abilities. After her treatment with Dr. Murray, her cognitive skills improved and her neck pain has been eliminated, thereby improving her irritability and emotional distress.

Dr. Murray uses something that he created, called Manual Regulation Therapy, which is the result of his many years of work using modalities like cranial sacral therapy, visceral manipulation, and psycho-somatic emotional release, which allows him to work within all the different systems of the body as well as energetically.

As a result of my undergoing major surgery for ovarian cancer, I developed not only an external scar that looked like a big, red, angry red rope running the length of my abdomen, but also internal scars, called adhesions.  About a half year after this surgery, I started noticing difficulty in breathing as some of the adhesions pulled along my diaphragm.

There were also autonomic nervous system issues, where my heart rate and blood pressure would become elevated for no apparent reason. These episodes would necessitate several hospital visits.

Additionally, I had developed vertigo where, whenever I turned my head to the left, the entire room felt like it was spinning. This progressed to the point where I could no longer ride on public transportation because I would become too nauseous.

Through Dr. Murray’s Manual Regulation Therapy, the vertigo, heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing issues I had experienced resolved.

I share this with you so that if you, or someone you care about, are experiencing post-concussion or post-surgical issues, you may want to consider contacting Dr. Ronald Murray at ronmurraywellness.com, to experience the amazing benefits of Manual Regulation Therapy(r).

Click Here To See Dr. Murray in Action


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