Pregnant Belly


Women are emotional beings as they tend to be the nurturers in relationships, caring for those who are closest to them. A woman’s uterus, or womb, has the ability to create and foster life. Therefore, it should not be surprising that the very organ that was created for nurturing can also be the container for harboring feelings of hurt, betrayal and bitterness.

According to Doctors Ryke Geerd Hamer and Caroline Markolin, the uterus and fallopian tubes can be affected by two main conflicts – a procreation conflict and a gender conflict.

1) A procreation conflict results from the inability to carry a child (a baby or an idea) due to miscarriages, abortions, or other physiological or psychological challenges. This conflict can also result from the loss of a child or grandchild.

2) A gender conflict is typically triggered by emotional, physical, or sexual abuse by a male, or someone in an authoritative role. When these conflicts are not dealt with in a timely and healthy manner, they can cause the body to react in ways that could potentially be harmful to the health.

With prolonged conflict, the uterine wall begins to thicken, as its cells begin to divide and multiply. As the cells continue to grow, they will eventually form a cauliflower-like structure, commonly known as a tumor. The distinction of whether or not this tumor is classified as malignant or benign is dependent upon the rate at which the cells divide.

In the beginning, one may not experience any pain during this active-conflict stage unless the forming structure or tumor  creates a blockage, i.e. blocking eggs from passing through the fallopian tubes. One may also develop endometritis, not to be confused with endometriosis, which is the inflammation of the uterus with painful swelling.

A woman’s feelings of loneliness, abandonment, and resentment can cause her womb to create additional challenges that may become more detrimental way if she does not learn how to deal with these feelings soon after they arise. 

While this article is focused on the woman, the truth of the matter is, whether you’re a man or a woman, if you don’t know how to deal with strong negative feelings and conflicts, these feelings will be trapped within the cells in your body, creating an energetic imprint that can eventually put your health and life at risk.

As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I can assist you with creating the tools that can help you overcome negative thought patterns before they create something less desirable in your body. You are meant to live a healthy and happy life. Let me help you get there!

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