What Are You Thankful For?

With this season of thanksgiving upon us, what are you thankful for?

I am thankful for the gift of life.  You see, when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer where I eventually had to be admitted into hospice,  I was given four weeks to live by my oncologist.  It was through the prayers of many, and hanging onto a thread of hope that, by the grace of God, I miraculously survived.

During the first couple of months after my diagnosis, I bought and read Ty Bollinger’s book, “Cancer: Step Outside the Box” which opened my eyes to the connection between the different government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry, and which shed light on the many alternative cures and treatments that exist.  This gave me not only important, life-changing, knowledge that I needed, but also the courage to venture “outside the box.”

Looking back, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for Ty Bollinger, a former CPA, who has done amazing investigative research into the history and background of cancer treatments, tracing the flow of money, and uncovering the truth about cancer.  He wrote his initial book out of the pain he suffered when he lost several family members, including both parents, to cancer.  He written several more books, to include just hot off the press, “The Truth About Cancer: What You Need to Know About Cancer’s History, Treatment and Prevention.”

Together with his wife, Charlene Bollinger, along with Jonathan Hunsaker, Ty Bollinger created the documentary series, “The Quest for The Cures,” “The Quest for The Cures…Continues,” along with “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest.”

Just last month, Ty and Charlene Bollinger took their message live for the first time in history at “The Truth About Cancer Ultimate Live Symposium.”  It was an incredible experience for me to be able to attend this live symposium and to personally thank Ty and Charlene, along with nearly 50 of the world’s most renowned and respected doctors and health experts on how much they’ve educated and inspired me through their work on cancer prevention and recovery.

Watch The Truth About Cancer Ultimate Live Symposium

That’s why I wanted to share with you that for this weekend only, they are airing a free replay of “The Truth About Cancer Ultimate Live Symposium.”  If you haven’t yet watched the amazing presentation from this symposium, you can watch it for free right now here!   It is currently airing this weekend from November 25-27!  Be sure to register for free and share with your all your friends and loved ones!

Here Are Just A Few of the Amazing Speakers You Can Watch:

Mike Adams, a.k.a. the Health Ranger, gives an amazing and profound presentation on the Harmonics of Nutrition.  Did you know that there are healing vibrational energy and sounds in the foods that we eat?  At the same time, products like glyphosate, found in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide has sounds that actually sounds somewhat menacing and dissonant!  What we put into our bodies truly makes impact, not only at the macro- and micro-nutrient level, but also at an energetic level.


Mike Adams Speaks During the Round Table Panel

Dr. Patrick Quillin has been a clinical nutritionist for over 30 years.  He talks about Beating Cancer with Nutrition.  In fact, he is the author of the book, “Beating Cancer with Nutrition,” a book that read and referenced several times during my own journey of healing from cancer.  It was such a pleasure to be able to meet and thank him for his work!


Thanking Dr. Patrick Quillin for His Work

Dr. Ben Johnson is a Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, and a Naturopathic Doctor.  He is the author of a wonderfully helpful book, “The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Your Health, Success, or Relationship Issue,” where he shares the program he used to cure himself from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).  He has written other books like “Healing Waters: The Powerful Health Benefits of Ionized H2O” and one that I just picked up from the symposium, “No Ma’amograms!  Radical Rethink on Mammograms.”  Dr. Ben served in the armed forces during Vietnam and was a flight surgeon in the Army reserve for many years.  He discusses Targeted Individual Treatment during the symposium.


With Dr. Ben Johnson

Sayer Ji is a widely recognized researcher, author, and lecturer.  He discusses Practical Implications of the Informational Revolution in Medicine.  He is the Founder of GreenMedInfo, a wonderful, evidence-based, natural health resource.


Sayer Ji Speaks on the Round Table Panel

AJ Lanigan has a wealth of knowledge in immunology.  He has an amazing knack to break down the complexities in our immune system into a language that is easy to understand.  He talks about the Human Immune System from Infancy to Old Age.  He and I had a great discussion on beta glucans, which are found in the cell wall of yeast, mushrooms, grain, and seaweed.  Beta glucans serve as immunomodulators, which boost the immune system against bacteria, fungi, and parasites.  This has tremendous implications for many chronic conditions.  In fact, in Japan, beta glucan is licensed for stimulating the immune system to treat cancer.


Having a Great Discussion on Beta Glucans with AJ Lanigan

One of the most eloquent presentation is given by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, where he speaks on “A Crisis in Public Health.”  He is the director of the movie, “Vaxxed.”  An academic gastroenterologist from the United Kingdom, who investigated a possible role between gastrointestinal issues, the MMR vaccine, and neurological injury in children.  When he published the results of the study in the Lancet, the ensuing controversy led to his being barred from practicing medicine.  He subsequently moved to the United States where he continues to passionately spread awareness.


Dr. Andrew Wakefield Gives an Impassioned Speech

Dr. Robert Scott Bell is a homeopathic practitioner with a passion for health and healing.  The topic of his talk is “Unlock the Power to Heal: Your Gut Mission.”  I had an opportunity to do an interview with him on The Robert Scott Bell Show, where he shares incredible information in alternative/holistic healing and gets into the political aspects of healthcare.


Interviewing on The Robert Scott Bell Show

Most of you recognize Dr. Joseph Mercola, a Doctor of Osteopathy, and author of three New York Times Bestsellers, “The Great Bird Flu Hoax,” “The No-Grain Diet,” and “Effortless Healing.”  In this symposium, he dons orange goggles to block blue and artificial wavelength sources, and provides a truly informative presentation on the Ideal Diet for Cancer, delving into mitochondrial metabolic therapy for cancer.


With Dr. Joe Mercola

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers is a Doctor of Chiropractic, who is also an inspiring breast cancer conqueror.   She talks about Diffusing the Cancer Time Bomb with her 7 Essentials System.


With the Inspirational Dr. V

Chris Wark, of Chris Beat Cancer,  is a prolific blogger, speaker, and health coach who healed from colon cancer.  He talks about Nutrition vs. Cancer.


With Chris Wark

Dr. David Jockers is a natural health, functional nutritionist, corrective care chiropractor, exercise physiologist, and certified strength and conditioning specialist.  He talks about the Ketogenic Diet for Cancer Patients, along with the importance and role of fasting.


With Dr. David Jockers

Dr. Sunil Pai is the author of An Inflammation Nation: The Definitive 10-Step Guide to Preventing and Treating All Diseases through Diet, Lifestyle, and the Use of Natural Anti-Inflammatories.  He studied with Dr. Andrew Weil and Deepak Chopra and speaks on inflammation, which is really one of the first of several steps towards developing cancer as well as as other chronic diseases.


With Dr. Sunil Pai

Jeffrey Smith is an international bestselling author and consumer advocate promoting healthier, non-GMO choices.  He talks about Why Avoiding GMOs and Roundup Residues is Fundamental to Your Health.  Jeffrey’s documentary, “Genetic Roulette–The Gamble of Our Lives,” is an award-winning movie that links genetically engineered food to toxic and allergic reactions, infertility, digestive disorders, and numerous problems that have been on the rise in the U.S. population since GMOs were introduced in the United States.


With Jeffrey Smith

Dr. Darrell Wolfe, known as the “Doc of Detox.”  He gives an impassioned presentation on the “Talk Sick” Truth.  You don’t want to miss this amazing presentation where he speaks on the importance of self-love in healing in mind, body, and spirit.  He is the author of the bestselling book, “Health to 100.”


With Dr. Darrell Wolfe

Dr. Edward Group, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Global Healing Center.  His career includes time spent in serving in the armed forces. In this symposium, he talks about the Secret to Health, discussing the importance of detoxification, especially since we are exposed to environmental toxins on a daily basis.


Erin Elizabeth, a long-time “health nut,” author, and public speaker, gives a sobering, yet uplifting presentation on the Holistic Doctor Deaths in North America and Beyond.  While I was aware of this sad string of deaths that began last year, I was blown away when I saw this slide with all the images of the doctors and researchers, who have all had mysterious circumstances surrounding their deaths.  There is no doubt about the amazing contributions and legacy that these doctors have left behind.


Erin Elizabeth Speaks on the Deaths of the Holistic Doctors

I would not be able to complete this blog without mentioning Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, who is a true hero, in my view.  Originally from Poland, he pioneered the use of biological active peptides that he calls antineoplastons, used for treating cancer.  When I was going through some of the most challenging times in my own journey of healing from ovarian cancer, I watched his movies, which documents his incredible courage in saving the lives of so many, especially young children diagnosed with brain tumors.


Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski

Always Thankful for Dear Friends

I had a wonderful time meeting and catching up with Angie Topbas, a health coach, friend, and fellow graduate from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN).  It has been several years since we had seen each other since the live IIN conference in New York, but with a similar passion for holistic health, we picked up immediately from where we last left off.


With Angie Topbas

You’ll truly learn from the best around the world on how to protect your health and the health of your loved ones. You’ll become inspired as you learn that cancer, heart disease, and other chronic conditions can be a wake-up call to learn important life lessons that you may not be able to learn any other way.

Be sure to watch the free replay of the Truth About Cancer Ultimate Live Symposium this weekend!  Spread the love and share with all those affected by cancer, heart disease, or other chronic illnesses as the information shared here contain true nuggets of gold that will make a difference!

As you reflect on this season of thanksgiving, think about all who have had a positive impact on your life and allow your hearts to be filled with gratitude.  That sense of gratitude bring not only peace, but a true sense of joy so that you can Love Your Life and Live in Health!

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